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1. How do I get started with using the widget on my website?
- To get started, you need to register an account on our platform, obtain the widget code, and integrate it into your website. Step by step instruction given at the end.
2. Do I need to register an account to use the widget?
- Yes, registration is required to access the widget and its features. It allows us to provide you with the necessary tools and support for integrating the widget seamlessly into your website.
3. What information is required for registration?
- During registration, you'll be asked to provide your email address and website URL.
4. How do I register for an account?
- You can register for an account by visiting our website and clicking on the "Sign Up" or "Register" button. Follow the prompts to complete the registration process.
5. After registration, how do I obtain the code to install the widget on my website?
- After registration, you'll be directed to your account dashboard where you can generate the widget code. Simply copy the provided code snippet and paste it into your website's HTML where you want the widget to appear.
6. Where can I find the code snippet for the widget?
- You can find the widget code snippet in your account dashboard.
7. How do I embed the widget code into my website?
- To embed the widget code into your website, simply paste the copied code snippet into the HTML of your website's pages, preferably just before the closing </body> tag.
8. Can I customize the widget's appearance and behavior?
- Yes, you can customize the widget's appearance and behavior to match your website's design and functionality. This can be done through the customization options available in your account dashboard.
9. What type of updates can I make to the database, and how often can I do this?
- You can add, edit, or remove questions and answers from the database as needed. There are no restrictions on the frequency of updates, allowing you to keep your content relevant and up-to-date.
10. Is there a limit to the number of questions and answers I can add to the database?
- There is no limit to the number of questions and answers you can add to the database, allowing you to tailor the content to meet your specific needs and requirements.
11. How do I update the database with new questions and answers?
- You can update the database by logging into your account dashboard and accessing the "Manage Content" or "Database Management" section. From there, you can add, edit, or remove questions and answers as needed.
12. Can I collaborate with team members or other users on managing the database?
- Yes, if you have multiple team members involved in managing the database.
13. What support resources are available if I encounter difficulties during setup or database management?
- We offer comprehensive documentation to assist you with any questions or issues you may encounter during setup or database management.
14. What is the widget, and why should I install it on my website?
- The widget is a versatile tool designed to enhance user experience on your website by providing interactive features such as giving product details, support ticketing, lead generation forms, and more. By installing the widget, you can engage with your website visitors in real-time, provide instant support, capture leads, and improve conversion rates.
15. How do I install the widget on my website?
- Installing the widget on your website is easy and straightforward. Simply sign up for an account on our platform, generate the widget code from your account dashboard, and embed the code into the HTML of your website.
16. Is the widget compatible with my website platform?
- Yes, the widget is compatible with a wide range of website platforms. Our widget code can be easily integrated into any website regardless of the platform used.
17. What features does the widget offer after installation?
- After installation, the widget offers a variety of features tailored to your specific needs, chatbot assistance, lead capture and more. You can customize the widget to include only the features you require for your website.
18. Can I customize the widget's appearance to match my website's design?
- Yes, you can fully customize the widget's appearance to match your website's branding and design aesthetics. You can customize colors, fonts, button styles, chat window layout, and more to ensure seamless integration with your website's look and feel.
19. Will installing the widget slow down my website?
- No, installing the widget will not significantly impact your website's performance or loading speed. The widget code is lightweight and optimized for fast loading, ensuring a smooth user experience for your website visitors.
20. Is the widget responsive and mobile-friendly?
- It is optimized for desktop, the widget is fully responsive and mobile-friendly the widget will provide a consistent and user-friendly experience.
21. How frequently are updates released for the widget?
- We regularly release updates and enhancements to the widget to ensure it remains up-to-date with the latest industry standards and technologies. Updates are typically released on a monthly or quarterly basis, and you will be notified of any new features or improvements through your account dashboard.
22. What kind of support is available for widget installation and usage?
- We offer comprehensive support resources to assist you with widget installation, configuration, and usage. This is included in documentation. Our support team is dedicated to helping you get the most out of the widget and addressing any questions or issues you may encounter.
Getting started
Generate Question and Answer from your Website URL
Upload Question and Answer (conversation) from text file
Testing confidence level
Training chatbot